Our Values

Our Values

Cliff Media is a production company with a mission.

Every good-hearted person is in

We create sex-positive community and adult content that celebrates the desirability of people of all walks of life. We value diversity by age, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, appearance, physical ability, neurodiversity, and income level.

At Cliff Media, we aren't looking for big boobs, long dicks, or six pack abs. If you're humble, reliable, fun and kind, we want you here.

The truth sets us free

We believe in honesty as a force for social connection.  Society teaches us to feel shame and keep quiet about all kinds of things, like being polyamorous, gay, trans, kinky, slutty, or perverted. It's hard work unlearning that shame, but it's worth it for the world of possibilities that open up once we accept our truth.

At Cliff Media, we strive to model brave authenticity and build community that encourages others to do the same.

Women & LGBTQ people own their sexuality

We reject dominant culture's myths that men are the only sexual actors. We know that many women, queer and trans people like sex, enjoy being slutty, initiate dates and sexuality, and watch porn.

At Cliff Media, we support and represent women and LGBTQ people expressing and acting on their own sexual desires. We value safe sex and enthusiastic consent, and we produce adult content for everyone.

It's okay to be messy and awkward

If you've ever had trouble staying hard, farted during orgasm, or said something that accidentally hurt a friend's feelings, you know that having sex and building community can be messy and awkward.

At Cliff Media, we consider this part of the joy of being human. Building inclusive, loving, sex-positive community is not easy, but we think it's worth the challenge and strive to be gentle with ourselves and others as we all learn together.

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